Administradores de SWPTA

Nuestros líderes

El equipo administrativo de Southwest Pipe Trades está compuesto por líderes de cada uno de los sindicatos locales afiliados en Texas, Oklahoma y Nuevo México, así como por dos representantes internacionales de la Asociación Unida.

El capo Thornton


Russell "Corby" Shelton INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE of Southwest Pipe Trades

Russell "Corby" Shelton

Representante internacional

Darren Jones International Representative of Southwest Pipe Trades

Darren Jones

Representante internacional

J.B. Kirk Financial Secretary of Southwest Pipe Trades

J. B. Kirk

Secretario de Finanzas

Ron Lord Political Director of Southwest Pipe Trades

Señor Ron

Director político


Gary Cartwright of Southwest Pipe Trades

Gary Cartwright

Wayne Lord of Southwest Pipe Trades

Señor Wayne

southwest pipe trades logo New Mexico Oklahoma Texas Logo

Trino Baltazar

southwest pipe trades logo New Mexico Oklahoma Texas Logo

Wayde Duncan

southwest pipe trades logo New Mexico Oklahoma Texas Logo

Mike Skinner

Courtenay Eichorst of Southwest Pipe Trades

Courtenay Eichorst

southwest pipe trades logo New Mexico Oklahoma Texas Logo

Robert Cooper Jr.

southwest pipe trades logo New Mexico Oklahoma Texas Logo

Danny Hendrix

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