Contact the SWPTA Today
Become an Affiliated Contrator

The Southwest Pipe Trades Association is affiliated with 13 United Association (UA) Local Unions, including one Local whose jurisdiction covers 62 counties in the southeast Texas area from the Rio Grande Valley to Beaumont. Currently, the region is seeing a building boom of new commercial and industrial construction, as well as new pipelines being built, plus work performed under the national infrastructure bill.
Now is the perfect time to become affiliated with the UA, SWPTA and Local 211.
How will you man all your projects in the midst of the region’s building boom and as the Baby Boomer generation begins to retire?
By becoming signatory with the UA, SWPTA and Local 211, you will not only keep your current employees, but you will gain access to the region’s most highly skilled and highly trained workforce. We offer expertise in every area of commercial, industrial and residential arenas for any job – large or small.
Your current employees will gain access to our world class training programs, helping them work more quickly and efficiently by improving their skillset and keeping them up-to-date on the latest industry technologies. Furthermore, they can earn industry leading safety certifications, which more project owners are demanding.
Other benefits of becoming a signatory contractor include:
- No-hassle professional benefits administration
- No-cost union affiliation
- Mediation, not confrontation
- No strikes or lockouts
- Access to new markets while maintaining your current market
- Lower costs by
- Not having to recruit, interview or test apprentices and tradesmen/tradeswomen
- Reduced accidents
- Increased productivity

Join Today!

Following submission of the form, a member of Local 211 will follow-up with you to discuss how your company can become affiliated with the UA, SWPTA and Local 211.