Featured SWPTA Local Union: UA Local 529 can meet any job demand

SWPTA - Local 529 - Waco

Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 529 maintains a wide network of skilled tradesmen and tradeswomen to get any size job done.

The Union represents journeymen and apprentices highly trained and skilled in the fields of process piping, steam, hot water, refrigeration, air conditioning, medical gas, boilers, pipe fabrication, hydraulics, controls, all welding processes, HVAC service, energy management, rigging, drafting/CAD drawing and industrial instrumentation.

The Union’s territory covers the Waco, Texas area and surrounding counties.

The mission of Local 529 is two-fold: Advocate for the rights of its workers — high pay, quality health care and retirement, a safe work environment — and provide contractors a talented and skilled workforce to finish each job on time, at or under budget, to a high standard of quality.

It does this through fighting for the rights of its workers and providing the necessary training to get the job done. The work of Local 529 benefits both workers and contractors alike.

That’s the beauty of working with or for a union. As a contractor, you get all the talent you need to get the job done. As a worker, you’re well taken care of — the Union looks out for you and your family. Work is plentiful with good pay and great benefits.


Fulfilling the job demand of Waco’s construction boom

Construction in Waco is booming.

The Texas Department of Transportation predicts McLennan County will see over 50,000 new residents in McLennan County in the next 20 years, according to ABC Kxxv.com.

“It seems just about every part of Waco is under construction,” the ABC affiliate reported. Major developments are on the way, including the Brazos Promenade Riverfront Development project, which will bring a new hotel, restaurants, a music venue and much more to downtown Waco.

“We’re not putting the city on the map, we’re on the map, and that star on the map of Texas is growing every day,” Kent George, the Economic Development Manager for Waco, told ABC.

The demand for workers is off the hook. Fortunately, Local 529 can meet it.

It has an extensive and skilled workforce that is able to get jobs done on time, at or under budget.


Free training for a high paying career

To meet this growing demand and broaden its network, Local 529 is actively recruiting new members and aspiring apprentices.

It offers plenty in exchange for a hard day’s work: good pay, quality health care and great retirement benefits. Apprentices quickly gain access to these benefits. They earn while they learn, with pay gradually increasing as they progress through the program. Training is completely free. Apprentices complete their training without the burden of student debt.


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